Thursday, October 9, 2014

Article on the Spotlight: Sick Child, Healthy Wallet

Life. There is no shortcut, not even in the boardgame. On top of there being no shortcuts, there are a ton of things that come in to make your life just a tad bit harder....... thank you world.... One of these factors that can bring your week from hard to disasterous is having a sick child. 

Work makes being a mother a million times harder, especially if you wonderfull child is sick. You can´t concentrate, you can´t leave your child alone so you send him to school feeling dreadfull and everyting just keeps on piling. 

This article talkes about how leaves, especially when your child is sick should be enforced, and how important they are to health. If you can have the day off to take care of your child, while not having to suffer economically can greatly benefit childrens health everywhere.

Schuster, Mark A., and Paul J. Chung. "Time Off to Care for a Sick Child — Why Family-Leave Policies Matter." New England Journal of Medicine(n.d.): n. pag. Web. 5 Oct. 2014. <>.

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